
A Library for Shaping Your Logs

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Chainable API

Write your logs as a chain of methods.

Fully Configurable

Every aspect of Adze is under your control.

Log Listeners

Log listeners give you control of your data.

# Supports Browser and Node Environments

Run code containing your adze logs seamlessly in both the browser and node environments. There is no extra configuration required.

# A Fluent, Chainable API

Writing your logs should feel natural which is why Adze chose to implement a chainable API that feels very much like the standard console API (but better).


# Everything is Configurable

Setup your logging exactly how you need it. Everything with Adze is configurable, from the default log levels down to the emoji's your logs use. You can even create completely custom log levels. How you use Adze is up to you.

adze({ useEmoji: true }).success("I'm configured to use emoji's!");

# First Class TypeScript Support

Adze is built with TypeScript from the ground up. Take advantage of all of the benefits of using TypeScript with your app's logs.

# Global Store and Overrides

Adze comes with a component called Shed which provides a global store for your logs. With the global store you can recall logs from an in-memory cache and override log configurations; effectively enabling micro-service and micro-frontend architectures.

# And much more...

To learn more about Adze and how to use it in your project, take a look at the Guide and watch the introduction video.

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