# Config


Adze v1.x is now deprecated! Please upgrade to v2.x (opens new window)!

Adze is a completely configurable library by design that comes with sensible defaults. There are two primary configurations to understand; the Adze configuration and the Shed configuration. In this section we'll take a look at each configuration and explain each property in detail.

NOTE: Chalk (opens new window) is what Adze uses under the hood for terminal coloring. Because terminals differ in their color fidelity, Chalk exposes a setting allowing you to specify your fidelity. Adze is basic with its colors so the low level of 1 is sufficient, however, you can change it to your liking with the terminalColorFidelity option described below. Please refer to the Chalk (opens new window) docs for information about what the fidelity levels mean.

# Adze Configuration

# Interface

// This is the top level Adze configuration
interface Configuration {
  logLevel?: number;
  useEmoji?: boolean;
  unstyled?: boolean;
  terminalColorFidelity?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3;
  captureStacktrace?: boolean;
  machineReadable?: boolean;
  baseStyle?: string;
  logLevels?: LogLevels;
  customLevels?: Partial<LogLevels>;
  meta?: {
    [key: string]: unknown;
  filters?: AdzeFilters;

// The allowable values for the method property
type ConsoleMethod =
  | 'error'
  | 'warn'
  | 'info'
  | 'log'
  | 'debug'
  | 'trace'
  | 'group'
  | 'groupCollapsed'
  | 'groupEnd'
  | 'table'
  | 'dir'
  | 'dirxml';

# Descriptions

Property Name Default Value Description
logLevel 8 The highest log level that will be allowed to render.
useEmoji false Toggle emoji's on or off for log rendering.
unstyled false Disables all styling of logs. Useful for stdout use cases.
terminalColorFidelity 1 Control terminal color fidelity with Chalk (opens new window).
captureStacktrace false Logs will record their stacktrace when they are created. Disabled by default for performance.
machineReadable false When enabled all logs will be generated as machine readable JSON objects.
baseStyle Reference These styles will be applied to all default log levels.
logLevels Reference Configuration for default Adze log levels.
customLevels Reference Configuration for custom Adze log levels.
meta {} Key/value pairs of data to be applied to all logs by default.
filters Reference Filters determine whether logs are allowed to print to the console/terminal based on their log level, label, or namespace.

# Shed Configuration

When you create a Shed you can provide it with configuration to control it's caching, filtering, and configuration overrides.

# Interface

// This is the top level Adze log configuration
interface ShedConfig {
  cacheLimit: number;
  globalCfg: Configuration | null;

# Descriptions

Property Name Default Value Description
cacheLimit 300 The maximum number of logs that Shed will cache. This exists to prevent memory leaks.
globalCfg Reference Adze configuration that will override all other Adze log configurations.

# Log Levels / Log Level Definition

The log levels object is made up of key/value pairs where the key is the name of the log level and the value is an object containing configuration about that log level. All properties for a log level definition are required unless you are applying overrides to default log levels.

# Interface

/* These are the configurations for default log levels
   and custom log levels. */
type LogLevels = {
  [method: string]: LogLevelDefinition;

interface LogLevelDefinition {
  level: number;
  method: ConsoleMethod;
  style: string;
  terminal: ChalkStyle[];
  emoji: string;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

const config = {
  logLevel: 11,
  useEmoji: true,
  // Overriding some default log level settings
  logLevels: {
    log: {
      emoji: '🧙‍♂️', // We'll change the default log emoji to a wizard for funsies
  customLevels: {
    // We'll create a new log level called foobar that goes to 11
    foobar: {
      level: 11,
      method: 'error',
        'padding-right: 25px; background: linear-gradient(to right, white, red); color: white; border-color: black;',
      terminal: ['bgRed', 'white'],
      emoji: '🤬',

adze(config).log("I'm a wizard!"); // Magic!
adze(config).custom('foobar', '#$%&%#$@&!'); // Anger!

# Output

log level definition customization example

log level definition customization terminal example

# Styling

Although Adze comes with some pretty default styles, all logs within Adze can have their styling customized. Default log level styling is a combination of the baseStyle property plus the style property on its log level definition. For styling logs in the terminal, each log level definition exposes a terminal property that is an array of Chalk (opens new window) style functions. This section contains a breakdown of what those default styles are as well as a list of possible values for the chalk styles.

# Default Browser Styles

This is a comprehensive list of the default browser styles. If you notice, these styles use padding-right for spacing and alignment. It is a painful way to do this, but due to the different ways each browser handles log styling, the only consistent way for them to align on the right is to use manual padding numbers. The goal of the default styles was to make them as consistent as possible across browsers.

For more information: MDN Docs - refer to "Styling console output" section (opens new window)

# Base Style

font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; border-radius: 0 10px 10px 0; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;

# Default Level Styles

NOTE: The default styles use template string interpolation (opens new window) to change the padding based on the browser environment.

Level Name emoji Style
alert 🚨 padding-right: 26px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #fc8585, #fc2323); color: #fff; border-color: #b70101;
error 🔥 padding-right: ${Env.isChrome() ? '29' : '26'}px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #ffd1d1); color: #a4000f; border-color: #e3bbbb;
warn 🔔 background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #fff0a8); color: #715100; border-color: #e3d696; padding-right: ${Env.isChrome() ? '34' : '44'}px;
info 📬 padding-right: ${Env.isSafari() ? '49' : '44'}px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #b2d7ff); color: #465464; border-color: #96b5d7;
fail padding-right: ${Env.isChrome() ? '43' : '44'}px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #ffd1d1); color: #a4000f; border-color: #e3bbbb;
success 🎉 padding-right: 26px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #ceedc9); color: #4e594d; border-color: #b7d1b3;
log 📌 padding-right: 50px; background: linear-gradient(to right, #fff, #d9dce0); color: #333435; border-color: #bfc1c5;
debug 🐞 padding-right: 38px; border-right: 1px solid #d9dce0; color: #465464; border-color: #999999;
verbose 💤 padding-right: 26px; border-color: 1px solid #d9dce0; color: #999999; border-color: #cbc9c9;

# Output

default browser styles example

# Default Terminal Styles

Adze styling for the terminal makes use of a library named Chalk (opens new window). Chalk exposes several formatting functions for terminal text styling that Adze exposes in its configuration.

NOTE: Chalk (opens new window) is what Adze uses under the hood for terminal coloring. Because terminals differ in their color fidelity, Chalk exposes a setting allowing you to specify your fidelity. Adze is basic with its colors so the low level of 1 is sufficient, however, you can change it to your liking with the terminalColorFidelity option described in the Adze Configuration section above. Please refer to the Chalk (opens new window) docs for information about what the fidelity levels mean.

# Default Level Styles

Level Name emoji Style
alert 🚨 ['white', 'bold', 'bgRed']
error 🔥 ['bgRed', 'white']
warn 🔔 ['bgYellow', 'gray']
info 📬 ['bgBlue', 'white']
fail ['bgRed', 'white']
success 🎉 ['bgGreen', 'gray']
log 📌 ['bgGray', 'white']
debug 🐞 ['bgBlack', 'white']
verbose 💤 ['italic', 'white']

# Available Chalk Styles

Text Background Style
black bgBlack reset
red bgRed bold
green bgGreen dim
yellow bgYellow italic
blue bgBlue underline
magenta bgMagenta inverse
cyan bgCyan hidden
white bgWhite strikethrough
gray bgGray visible
grey bgGrey
blackBright bgBlackBright
redBright bgRedBright
greenBright bgGreenBright
yellowBright bgYellowBright
blueBright bgBlueBright
magentaBright bgMagentaBright
cyanBright bgCyanBright
whiteBright bgWhiteBright

# Output

default terminal styles example

# Filters

Filters determine whether logs are allowed to print to the console/terminal based on their log level, label, or namespace. When filtering levels, you can provide a level filter data type.

Each filter type can specify and include or exclude statement. Include tells Adze to only render logs that are included in the value set. Exclude says to not render any logs that are included in the value set. If both are specified, include takes precedence over exclude in case of conflicts.

# Interface

export interface AdzeFilters {
  hideAll?: boolean;
  level?: GlobalFilterOptions<LevelFilter>;
  label?: GlobalFilterOptions<string[]>;
  namespace?: GlobalFilterOptions<string[]>;

export interface GlobalFilterOptions<T> {
  include?: T;
  exclude?: T;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

const cfg = {
  filters: {
    namespace: {
      include: ['foo'],

const log = adze(cfg).seal();

log().ns('foo').success('I should print.');
log().ns(['foo', 'bar']).success('I should print.');
log().ns('bar').fail('I should not print.');
log().fail('I should not print because I do not have a namespace.');

# Output

filters example

filters terminal example