# Default Terminators


Adze v1.x is now deprecated! Please upgrade to v2.x (opens new window)!

After you generated an Adze log instance from a factory function and have applied the desired modifiers you must terminate the method chain. The methods used to terminate the chain are called terminators.

When a log has been terminated it will generate a log render, check if it is allowed to print the log render, cache the log instance if a Shed exists, and then return a data object representing the log properties and the log render to any registered log listeners. After all of that it will return a terminated log object.

Adze comes with 8 default log level terminators, all of which can be configured:

Level Name Standard Method Used
0 alert error
1 error error
2 warn warn
3 info info
4 fail info
5 success info
6 log log
7 debug debug
8 verbose debug

# alert

This level should only be used for logs that require immediate attention. This should be used sparingly and only for the most critical of errors.

Default log level = 0

Standard Log Method: error

This is not a standard API.

# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public error(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().alert('Something went horribly wrong!');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).alert('Something went horribly wrong!');

# Output

alert example output

alert terminal example output

# error

Use this for logging fatal errors or errors that impact functionality of your application.

Default log level = 1

Standard Log Method: error

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# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public error(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().error('An error occurred!');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).error('An error occurred!');

# Output

error example output

error terminal example output

# warn

Use this for logging issues that may impact app performance in a less impactful way than an error.

Default log level = 2

Standard Log Method: warn

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# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public warn(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().warn("I'm warning you!");
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).warn("I'm warning you!");

# Output

warn example output

warn terminal example output

# info

Use this for logging general insights into your application. This level does not indicate any problems.

Default log level = 3

Standard Log Method: info

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# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public info(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().info('App information');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).info('App information');

# Output

info example output

info terminal example output

# fail

Use this for logging network communication errors or other non-fatal errors that do not break your application.

Default log level = 4

Standard Log Method: info

This is not a standard API.

# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public fail(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().fail('An operation failed to execute!');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).fail('An operation failed to execute!');

# Output

fail example output

fail terminal example output

# success

Use this for logging successful network communications or other successful operations within your app.

Default log level = 5

Standard Log Method: info

This is not a standard API.

# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public success(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().success('An operation was successful!');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).success('An operation was successful!');

# Output

success example output

success terminal example output

# log

Use this for general logging that doesn't apply to any of the lower levels.

Default log level = 6

Standard Log Method: log

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# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public log(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().log('Logging a message.');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).log('Logging a message.');

# Output

log example output

log terminal example output

# debug

Use this for logging information that you typically do not want to see unless you are debugging a problem with your application. This is typically hidden by default.

Default log level = 7

Standard Log Method: debug

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# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public debug(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().debug('Debugging an issue.');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).debug('Debugging an issue.');

# Output

debug example output

debug terminal example output

# verbose

Use this for logging extremely detailed debugging information. Use this level when the values you are logging are granular enough that they are no longer easily human readable.

Default log level = 8

Standard Log Method: verbose

This is not a standard API.

# Interface

class BaseLog {
  public verbose(...args: unknown[]): TerminatedLog<this>;

# Example

import { adze } from 'adze';

adze().verbose('Logging some extreme detail.');
// With emoji's enabled
adze({ useEmoji: true }).verbose('Logging some extreme detail.');

# Output

verbose example output

verbose terminal example output